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Inspirational quotes

"The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it".-Eckhart Tolle

"Your thoughts control your feelingsYour feelings control your actionsYour actions control your events"- Marisa Peer

"Believe you can and you're halfway there"- Theodore Rosevelt

"It always seems impossible until it's done"- Nelson Mandela

"Life is 10% what happens to usand 90% how we react to it"- Charles R. Swindell

"Doubt your doubts,not your ability"- Michael Edwards

"When you take control of your thinking,it changes your lifeand when you make your thoughts positiveit makes your life extraordinary"-Marisa Peer

"You are enoughjust as you are"-Brené Brown

"Everything you everwanted is on theother side of fear"-George Adaire

"What we fear doing mostis usualy what we most need to do" -Tim Ferriss

"The most powerful relationshipyou will ever have is the relationship with youself"-Steve Maraboli

"Your relationship with yourselfsets the tone for everyrelationship you have"-Robert Holden

"What we think,we become"-Buddha

"Act as if what you do makesa difference. It does" - William James

"If you give someone the powerto make you feel good,you give them the powerto take it away"- Marisa Peer

"When you take controlof your thinking it changes your life and when you makeyour thoughts positive it makes your lifeextraordinary"-Marisa Peer

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